The Art of EDA course teaches essential skills for exploratory data analysis (EDA), data cleaning, feature engineering, outlier detection, missing value treatment, and scaling in data analysis. Dive deep into the world of data exploration and learn how to unleash insights from raw data efficiently.
Key Highlights:
- Master the art of Exploratory Data Analysis
- Learn advanced techniques for Data Cleaning and Feature Engineering
- Detect outliers and handle missing values effectively
- Understand the importance of Scaling in data analysis
What you will learn:
- Explore EDA Techniques
Learn to visually explore and analyze data to uncover insights and patterns.
- Data Cleaning and Feature Engineering
Understand the importance of data cleaning and how to create new features for better analysis.
- Outlier Detection and Missing Value Treatment
Discover methods to identify outliers and effectively handle missing data in your datasets.
- Scaling in Data Analysis
Learn how to scale your data to improve the performance and accuracy of your models.
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